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what are the different types of nodes in Decision Trees?
Let’s look at the basic terminology used with Decision trees:
- Root Node: It represents entire population or sample, and this further gets divided into two or more homogeneous sets.
- Splitting: It is a process of dividing a node into two or more sub-nodes.
- Decision Node: When a sub-node splits into further sub-nodes, then it is called decision node.
- Leaf/ Terminal Node: Nodes do not split is called Leaf or Terminal node.
- Pruning: When we remove sub-nodes of a decision node, this process is called pruning. You can say opposite process of splitting.
- Branch / Sub-Tree: A sub section of entire tree is called branch or sub-tree.
- Parent and Child Node: A node, which is divided into sub-nodes is called parent node of sub-nodes where as sub-nodes are the child of parent node.